User guide

  • QRcode Scaner
    QRcode Scaner
    一般智慧型手機都會有 QRCode 掃描軟體,不同的手機可能會有不同的掃描軟體:這裡我們就介紹比較常用的幾個:Andro…
  • Guide of video plug-in
    Guide of video plug-in
    進入 Youtube 網站 ,接著登您的 Google 帳戶。登入後可以看…
  • Share to Social
    Share to Social
    該怎麼把黑族創富雲端名片推薦給您在群社(Facebook / Google+ / 微博)上的朋友呢?很簡單!只要在您自己…
  • 建立名片教學(未)

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QR-Code and APP Launcher

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This Webpage

In those service tabs, "Scan QRCode, in mobile device" or "Click the button, in this device" to open webpage or APP-related operations.


  • Visitors : 65,918,892
  • Hits : 65,969,596
  • Depth : 100.1 %
  • Auto Platform
    For better browsing experience, it will auto detects your device to display webpage.
  • Bug Report
    Tell us about the idea, problem and errors you found.
  • Comodo Secure
    The sensitive data transmission adopts by SSL-2048 authenticated encryption.
  • Copyright
    © 2009 YamPiz Digital Inc. & Jaby Group. All rights reserved.
  • Revised Version
    23 Jul 2024 (GMT+8)